2. Defense articles and defense services licensed for export under 22 U.S.C. 2778 of the Arms Export Control Act
3. Training Spending and US Military Goals
4. Press releases from US Department of Defense
5. Other links
Interior Ministry Spokesman said on Saturday 23/2/2013 that the ministry ordered to import 140,000 US-sourced teargas canisters three months ago within its annual arming plan to protect State's vital facilities and private property.
Maj. Gen. Hani Abdul-Latif said that the cost of the deal reached 2.5 million dollars to protect these facilities. Link
- Continue the vital U.S.-Egypt strategic relationship and ensure Egypt's continued commitment to peace with Israel
- Sustain and maintain U.S.-origin military equipment and systems to keep the Egyptian military modern and fully operational
- Enhance interoperability of the Egyptian military to enable participation in coalition operations and exercises
- Defeat terrorism through strengthened border security and tunnel detection capability
Past years spending can be found here
Search this website with "Egypt" to scan through relevant press releases
- Co-production of Abrams Tank (This has always been the big one for Egypt-US military spending, this document leads me to believe that almost all FMF goes to this specific endeavor given that we get around $1.3B annually and the size of this request)
- Skyguard AMOUN Solid-State Transmitters: The Egyptian Navy intends to purchase this equipment to improve the reliability and maintainability of the Skyguard air defense system. Egypt’s current transmitters are over 30 years old, obsolete, or nonfunctional.)
Additionally, here are some "Excess Defense Spending" items granted to Egypt (last in 2009)
- Foreign Military Sales,Foreign Military Construction Sales And Other Security Cooperation Historical Facts
- http://www.dsca.osd.mil/data_stats.htm
- http://www.dsca.osd.mil/programs/biz-ops/factsbook/default.htm
- http://www.state.gov/s/d/rm/rls/statecbj/2012/index.htm